Refund Policy

We believe 100% in our products. We do our best every day to make you happy and put a smile on your face by using our service, but we understand that it’s not easy for everyone. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, or if you have a problem we can’t solve that renders the system unusable, we’re more than happy to give you a refund.

How do I request a refund?

Please note the order number of your transaction with the subject: « Refund request » and describe in your e-mail the problems you are experiencing and the reason for this request. In some cases, you need to send us proofs and we will also send you proofs of our work and things we have noticed and need to show you in order to explain our point of view and decision in a more detailed and transparent way.


Please understand and accept that we cannot issue refunds due to technical problems, unless you allow us to try to resolve them adequately and help you. If we are unable to resolve your problem within 48 hours, we will issue a refund. Please feel free to contact our 24/7 live support service at any time if you need assistance.

Refunds can only be made within 7 days of the date of purchase. After this period, no refunds can be made.
If you have paid by credit card, refunds are usually processed and the funds returned to the customer’s bank account debit card within 7 to 14 working days.

However, in some cases, refunds may take longer to process, up to 20 days. We are not responsible for these delays. We are not the payment provider, only the IPTV service provider.

We will only fully refund purchases made within 7 days. All other refund requests will be partially refunded according to the period of use of the subscription. The IPTV Nederland support team will contact users in all refund cases.

Please note: each refund usually takes between 7 and 20 working days, and it is not possible to reduce this time. Our payment processors will handle refund requests. We will do our best to refund users immediately after reviewing the request and verifying the user’s information.

We will not issue refunds or partial refunds if:

The user is unable to configure their own box and system:
We will provide our best assistance to configure their boxes, devices, applications and systems in all cases of support requests. The reason for this is that we don’t know the circumstances of the box, the devices and the system, etc. Our assistance is limited to predefined steps. Our assistance is limited to predefined steps for device configuration.

Some channels freeze, buffer or don’t work, which is rare:
Although almost all our servers are stable, some channels may freeze or not work for various reasons, but this is not definitive. Our expert engineers are always working to resolve them.

Most of the time, these problems are temporary and caused by the following reasons:
Fluctuations in the customer’s internet connection.
Problems with the customer’s box/applications/configuration in general.
Your ISP has a problem.
The channel is down on the server side.
The customer changes his mind and wants to withdraw/change server.
In the event that the user/customer cannot watch their IPTV subscription plan for 48 hours or more due to a server problem or any other issue, we will fully refund the package price or add the lost time on top of your subscription for free + some additional bonuses that we can negotiate together.